Small business nation

There are several cities in Texas (Waco and College Station come to mind) where the overwhelming majority of adults work for small businesses rather than large corporations.  While not rich, these are pretty happy places to live.  Crime is relatively low, most people know each other, things aren't too crazy.  Culture, values and politics tend toward the traditional.

What's going to happen to the multitude of high-tech workers who will be driven out of the high-tech labor market in the coming years?  Where will they go?

The ones who saw it coming (and the Cloud revolution has been going on since at least 2010), took stock of the market and did back-of-the envelope computations, realized that the mass of jobs would start evaporating.  The really smart ones took that as writing on the wall, and started their own businesses years ago.  The good ones are through enough of the trial and error process so that things are looking up for them nicely.

Some of us, yours truly included, felt a disturbance in The Force, knew something ominous was up, see it now, and are racing towards getting the businesses up and functioning.  We are looking for every way possible to speed up our own slog through the trial and error swamp, and are finding many ways to get things moving fast.  Unfortunately, the airplanes we are trying to get aloft are heavy with baggage, and we need a long runway.  We may not make it.

The remaining poor souls will be working for other small businesses, at a small fraction of previous income.  There will be sell-offs of junk no longer needed, some bankruptcies, some lost homes, some shattered lives.  This has happened before, and will happen again.

I would guess that the less it costs you to live, the more likely it will be that you can get aloft before you run out of runway.  Might want to start clearing out that garage full of junk you never use sooner rather than later.  Sell it all, use Craig's List, then donate what you can't sell.  Get rid of your baggage.  Start your business.  Do it now.


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