Reports from the field, please

A blog like this will go nowhere if I depend merely on what I see (and how I view it).  The job market here in Austin is vast and changing very rapidly.  No way I can see more than a small fraction of it. My views could be off, erroneous, imagined, right on the money, or somewhere in outer space.  I need to keep this real.  You can help enormously.

At times, I will take a look at a situation, and write about where I see it going instead of where it actually is now.  Nothing wrong with that, it just needs to be labeled properly.  Other times, I will be highlighting troublesome practices, trends, conditions.  Your comments can help me in this effort a lot.

I might exaggerate or use hyperbole to make my points.  Some people call this trolling, I call it journalism.  If I don't put the issue in clear, concise, impossible to misunderstand language, I will wind up qualifying everything I say with useless phrases like "maybe", "possibly", "it seems that ...". The writing will be boring and you'll go back to You Tube. I want to make this blog march.

Take it all with a grain of salt.  I'm the canary in the coal mine.  I'm supposed to keel over first, so you can run out of the cave and live.  :)

To help keep me real, I am asking readers to do three things for me:

Comment helpfullyBriefly.  Make your point clearly and fearlessly, even if critical. Be concise. I may very well like what you say and correct my original post.  You'll get a nice hat tip.

Please avoid saying anything personal about anyone.  Ignore comments that are off the mark, personal, rude or otherwise unacceptable.  Let me take care of that. Leave political comments to the political blogs.  If you desire a flame war, there are well-known sites where almost anything goes.  Have fun, but please don't do it here.  Comments that appear to be disingenuous, mean-spirited, useless will be deleted.

We just want to to be a drone flying over the cutting edge of high-tech employment, recording what we see, and trying as hard as possible to deliver accurate, concise descriptions of the reality of modern day employment.

Spread the word. The more participants we get in this conversation, the more useful and comprehensive the blog will be.  I'd love it if everyone interested in the Austin job market visited this site as often as people in Washington visit the Drudge Report.

Remember, there are a ton of folks in other states thinking seriously about moving to Austin. Those folks will help build the giant job market all of us need. They could really use a blog written by one of the players here, helped by an army of commenters, to check things out before they pack up and move.  Newbies to Austin could use some help navigating the chaotic seas of the local job market.

Reports from the field. Tell us all what is happening in your neck of the woods.  We can't see it, so the more you report, the better this blog will get.  Company closing?  We'd like to know.  Company opening? We'd really like to know.  Layoffs happening? Yes, that is news, and all of us need to know that.  Please stick to the facts and back up everything you can with links or other externally check-able references.


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