Oracle's very Cloudy new campus in Austin, Texas

Oracle is powering up in Austin, bigly.  Here are a few articles tracking Oracle in Austin:
What should you take away from these?
  1. Oracle's big new Austin campus is focused on cloud computing
  2. They are hiring like crazy: nice, fresh, new, total chaos Cloud jobs
  3. They are also laying people off, almost simultaneously
I noticed that Oracle Austin's Glass Door ratings are higher than Oracle in general, so I suspect this campus is living proof that Oracle is in the midst of "out with the old, in with the new". Since I have been an Oracle DBA for 18 years, I am a shameless Oracle partisan.  It is my keister, after all.

NB: Oracle has ~136K employees.  Compare with IBM (380K), Amazon (341K), Google (57K - must be under-reported!).  More to come!


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