Texas and US Economic Outlook
This report on the Texas Economic Outlook June 2019 from Texas A&M is recent, full of data and appears both objective and complete. Here's a very brief 2019 outlook for the United States. Wage growth in Austin appears to be accelerating due to the tight labor market.
In a genuinely red-hot labor market, wages go up noticeably. I'm not seeing it myself. Neither are other reporters. There are reasons for this. Lots of reasons.
In a genuinely red-hot labor market, wages go up noticeably. I'm not seeing it myself. Neither are other reporters. There are reasons for this. Lots of reasons.
- The tight labor market is a mixed blessing. Some economic reporters don't buy it. For most, it's easy to get a job, relatively speaking, but it is harder for your company to hire needed people. Good times for individuals are bad times for employers. It's complicated. Not everyone benefits.
- Overall economic growth is slowing. The trade war with China is one of several reasons.
- There are more and more recession warnings. Some believe these are false alarms. Other opinions are mixed.
- This is probably a good time to change jobs for the better. You'd better pick a good company, because recessions have a nasty habit of causing layoffs, and new employees who are not viewed as mission critical are often the first to go.
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